Nominations for Girls Development session - 16th May 2021

20 Apr 2021 by Ivan Humm

Good morning everyone

As we look forward to our Trials and Assessments for our District Teams on the 2nd and 9th May 2021 we are still looking for more nominations for the girls development session that is due to take place on the 16th May at Coggeshall CC starting at 2pm.

Iain Kinsman is heading up this key area for us and we had nominations from clubs at the end of last year, but we are keen to see if there are any more girls from school years 5 -10 who may have been missed initially or have recently joined your club.

If you would like your young players to attend this development session please follow the link and complete the form so that we can make contact with their parents.!AsNBX6bBe2ukgtYmtP8crJKU1_A8Ig?e=9eWgza

All nomination forms need to be sent to by 30th April 2021 and please do not nominate any player that is already in the County set up for girls.


All the best


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